English Theatre study-collection of the University of Cologne
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Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung
Universität Köln
Schloss Wahn
Burgallee 2
51147 Köln
work 02203/60092-0
The theatre study-collection of the University of Cologne is a centre for international documentation and research for theatre and media history. The chief strengths of the collection are on the one hand: theatre in German speaking countries, with a wide-ranging archive of critical and photographic works, complemented by a multifarious graphics collection; and on the other hand: the theatre and media of various cultures and periods. The collection is one of the greatest in Europe, and documents – with the aid of its library, which possesses some 100 000 volumes, about 190 000 graphics on paper, and around 300 000 photographs – theatre and theatrical practices from every historical epoch.