Emerich (actually Magyar, Emmerich) Robert

* 21.05.1847 in Pest (Hungary); ✝ 28.05.1899 in Würzburg




After an apprenticeship under Lewinsky, among others, Robert debuted in Zurich, from where he moved to the Court Theatre in Stuttgart and, later, to the Berlin Court Theatre. In 1872 he returned to the City Theatre in Vienna, which Laube had founded, but this did not keep him from undertaking extensive tours as a guest star, among others with the Meiningen company, of which he eventually became an honorary member. In 1875 he once again returned to work for Laube at the Vienna City Theatre, where in 1878 he gave his valedictory performance as Hamlet before moving to the Burgtheater. Here, from 1888 onwards, he was active as a director, too.



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Citation and Licence

Robert, Emerich (actually Magyar, Emmerich), in: The Digital Shakespeare Memorial Album. Edited by Christa Jansohn. URI: http://www.shakespearealbum.de/uri/gnd/116575832. (Accessed on 04.11.2024)

This text is published under the following licence: CC BY-ND 3.0 DE. Digitzed media reproduced with the permission of the library of Birmingham.

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