Gustav Rümelin

* 26.03.1815 in Ravensburg; ✝ 28.10.1889 in Tübingen

Pedagogue, Politician, Statistician



After attending the evangelical theological seminar in Schöntal, from 1832 onwards Rümelin studied theology at the Tübingen seminary, where he was awarded his PhD in 1837.  Thenceforth he was active in the service of church and school in Württemberg until 1852, the while overseeing the Latin school in Nürtingen and working as a grammar school professor in Heilbronn and Stuttgart (1845-1849). During the years 1848-1849 he was a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly. In 1856 he was entrusted with the direction of the Württemberg Ministry of Culture. Between 1855 and 1861 Rümelin was a member of the Württemberg House of Representatives. Later he took over the direction of the Royal Württemberg Statistical and Topographical Office, at the same time teaching statistics, comparative political science, and philosophy at Tübingen University. From 1870 until his death he was Chancellor at Tübingen University, and was at the same time a member in the House of Representatives of the Stuttgart Parliament.

He won renown for his compendium Das Königreich Württemberg, Eine Beschreibung von Land, Volk und Staat (1863), which became a model for other federal states. In 1866 he published Shakespearestudien, in which he analyzed Shakespeare as author as well as the historical and cultural context in which he lived and worked. 



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Citation and Licence

Rümelin, Gustav, in: The Digital Shakespeare Memorial Album. Edited by Christa Jansohn. URI: (Accessed on 04.11.2024)

This text is published under the following licence: CC BY-ND 3.0 DE. Digitzed media reproduced with the permission of the library of Birmingham.

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