Hermann Joseph Theodor Aloys Ernst Hendrichs

* 17.10.1809 in Cologne; ✝ 01.11.1871 in Berlin




Hendrichs began taking acting lessons while still a commercial apprentice, and debuted – having started off with amateur dramatics – in Darmstadt in 1831. From there he moved to the City Theatre in Frankfurt am Main. During 1838 he undertook a series of extensive guest tours, and in 1840 his services were secured by the Royal Theatre in Berlin. However, sometime in 1841/1842 he broke his contract there, on the grounds that he felt himself under-deployed, and moved to the Hamburg City Theatre. In 1844 the Court Theatre managed to tempt him back to Berlin, where he stayed until his retirement in 1864. He was celebrated for his numerous guest appearances in Germany and abroad (and was involved with Dingelstedt’s guest star festival – the Gesamtsgastspiele - in Munich), and above all things for his heroic roles. Charlotte Birch-Pfeifer wrote innumerable parts for Hendrichs. 

Shakespeare Roles


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Citation and Licence

Hendrichs, Hermann Joseph Theodor Aloys Ernst, in: The Digital Shakespeare Memorial Album. Edited by Christa Jansohn. URI: http://www.shakespearealbum.de/uri/gnd/116701153. (Accessed on 20.09.2024)

This text is published under the following licence: CC BY-ND 3.0 DE. Digitzed media reproduced with the permission of the library of Birmingham.

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