Hermann Ulrici
* 23.03.1806 in Pförten (Niederlausitz); ✝ 11.01.1884 in Halle (Saale)
Scholar, Philosopher
Having completed a law degree he changed disciplines and devoted himself to philosophy. From 1834 onwards he was professor at the University of Halle. His philosophical thinking was at first influenced by Hegel, from whom, however, he came to distance himself. His idealism was the basis for a severe, if philologically uneven, engagement with Shakespeare. His book Ueber Shakespeare’s dramatische Kunst und sein Verhältniß zu Calderón und Göthe (1839), to a considerable extent reworked and extended in later editions, took Shakespeare’s aesthetic development, and that guiding idea which lends unity to each of his works, as its theme. At the foundation of the German Shakespeare Society in 1864 Ulrici was elected as its President. It was for the Shakespeare Society that he set in motion a revised and annotated new edition of the ‘Schlegel-Tieck’ translations of the plays. He also contributed a stream of articles to the society’s yearbook, not to mention contributions to particular scholarly debates.
- Ueber Shakespeare's dramatische Kunst und sein Verhältniß zu Calderón und Göthe. Halle, 1839 (from the 2nd edition [1846] in 2 vols. with the title Shakespeare’s dramatische Kunst, from the 3rd edition [1868-69] in 3 vols.).
- Die Shakespeare-Frage. Halle, 1852.
- Shakspeare's dramatische Werke. Ed. Hermann Ulrici. Revision of the A. W. Schlegel and L. Tieck translation. 12 vols. Berlin, 1867-71. 2nd ed. 1876-77.
Primary Literature
- Über Prinzip und Methode der Hegelschen Philosophie. Ein Beitrag zur Kritik derselben. Halle, 1841.
- Gott und die Natur. Leipzig, 1862. 3rd ed. 1875.
- Gott und der Mensch. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1866-73. 2nd ed. 1874.
Secondary Literature
- Fränkel, Ludwig Julius: ‘Ulrici, Hermann’. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 39 (1895). Pp. 334-349 [Online Version]. Url: www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd119331586.html.
- N.N.: ‘Hermann Ulrici. Nekrolog’, Shakespeare-Jahrbuch, 19 (1884). Pp. 319-20.
- Peckhaus, Volker: Hermann Ulrici (1806-1884). Der Hallesche Philosoph und die englische Algebra der Logik. Halle, 1995.
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Citation and Licence
Ulrici, Hermann, in: The Digital Shakespeare Memorial Album. Edited by Christa Jansohn. URI: http://www.shakespearealbum.de/uri/gnd/119331586. (Accessed on 20.09.2024)
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